Action snap shot:) "SHARK!!" Trinity yelled as I leapt off of the cliff into the cold, icy warm-ish water. "WHAT?!?" I shout back.... Wait, pause. I bet your wondering how I got here. Well let me tell you... Flash back:
It was a Saturday afternoon and I was with my friends at the massive cliff by Trinity's place. As I was going to push Rehana down, Grace said "lets play I dare you", "ok ", I reply. When we were playing I didn't notice, but I lost, then Grace whispered something in Trinity's ear with a evil smirk and then she told me to jump off the cliff and then it happened the shark attack.... DON DON DON!!!!!!!
Mother Nature you are guilty for making people sick by drenching them in your cold and hard ran. Also for banging on my door with your really hard storm and when I get there there would be no one there. So you are guilty for all the stuff you did to me and others.
Today we went to the mall and had some fun with my 100 bucks gift card🙂.
After we went to have some scrum-shis MacDonalds☺️.
When we finished we went to the toy shop and bought a enderman teddy bear (his name is Fred) he's so cute 🤗.when we bought him my brother said to name "him Fred so I was like that's a cool name Braxy "😀😀😀 after we went to the mall we went home and had sushi for dinner it was so yum. Today was so FUN 😀😀😀😀😀
Saphire is a crystal gem. Her gem is on her left hand.Saphire is super nice to all her friends.her super power is future vision and she has a beautiful singing voice. Saphires nick-name is Saphy. When she is fused with ruby thay make garnet. THE ENDS